Esthetics Teacher Course Information


(SOC 25-1194.00, CIP Code 12.0413):
The curriculum involves 750 hours to satisfy Illinois State requirements. The course includes extensive instructional experience in Professional Practices, Teaching Techniques, Communication, Coaching, Servicing, Salon Management, Student Teaching and Game Planning.

*Graduates will be prepared for an entry level esthetics teacher position.

This course is taught in English. Textbooks and course materials are only offered in the English language.


Course Hours: 750 clock hours

The course is divided into pre-clinical instruction and clinical service learning experiences. The primary purpose of the cosmetology instructor course is to train students in the basic manipulative skills, safety judgments, proper work habits and desirable attitudes and ethics necessary to pass the State Board examination and for competency in job entry level positions in instructing cosmetology or related fields. Students enrolled in the program with distance education will complete a portion of their education through online learning.


Your time in the Paul Mitchell The School Tinley Park esthetics teacher course will be divided into three (3) designations:

  1. Psychology and Methodology: These classes focus on the theory of teaching, using Milady’s Master Educator textbook, including weekly tests.
  2. Student Teaching: You will learn to write lesson plans and do actual teaching from your lesson plans. There will be a practical teaching evaluation of your teaching skills.
  3. Objectives: Upon completion of the course requirements, the determined graduate will be able to:
    • Project a positive attitude and a sense of personal integrity and self confidence.
    • Practice proper grooming and effective communications skills and visual poise.
    • Understand employer-employee relationships and respect the need to deliver worthy service for value received.
    • Perform the basic skills necessary for teaching including writing lesson plans, performing demonstrations, directing Future Professionals projects, using library resources and audio-visual aids, supervising lab floor operations.
    • Perform the basic analytical skills to determine proper makeup, hairstyle, wardrobe style and color application for the client’s total image.
    • Apply the theory, technical information and related matter to assure sound judgments, decisions, and procedures.

      To ensure continued career success, the graduate will continue to learn new and current information related to techniques, trends, fashions, and methods for career development in cosmetology and related fields.
  • An approved school that intends to provide teacher training must utilize teacher curriculum that includes a program consisting program that includes a minimum of 750 clock hours or a 25 credithour equivalency (1 credit hour equals 30 clock hours) of instruction as noted below.
  • 250 hours of Post-Graduate School Training that includes all subjects in the basic esthetics curriculum in Section 1175.835, including theory and practice. Presentation of material must include the concepts that are intended to be taught and the skills to be acquired during the various phases of basic education.
  • 20 hours of Educational Psychology that shall include, but not be limited to, topics in educational objectives, student characteristics and development, the learning process and an evaluation of learning that relates to teaching. These hours shall be waived on behalf of esthetics teacher students who have completed a course in Educational Psychology at an accredited college or university.
  • 20 hours of Teaching Methods (Theory) that shall include, but not be limited to, topics in individual differences in learning, lesson planning and design, lesson delivery, assessment of learning performance, classroom management, student motivation and classroom climate. These hours shall be waived on behalf of cosmetology teacher students who have completed a course in Teaching Methods-Secondary Level at an accredited college or university.
  • 150 hours of Application of Teaching Methods that include preparation and organization of subject matter to be presented on a unit by unit basis and presentation of subject matter through application of varied methods (lecture, demonstration, testing and assignments). Presentations must provide teaching objectives to be accomplished and correlate theoretical with practical application.
  • 50 hours of Business Methods that include inventory, record keeping, interviewing, supplies, the Illinois Barber, Cosmetology, Esthetics, and Nail Technology Act of 1985 and 68 Ill. Adm. Code 1175.
  • 260 hours of Student Teaching under the on-site supervision of an Illinois licensed teacher. The student teacher shall present theoretical and practical demonstrations to students in the basic curriculum.


The instructional program of Paul Mitchell The School Tinley Park meets or exceeds the state requirements. The following subjects are taught within the brick & mortar program and the hybrid program:


750-Hour Program

Postgraduate Training


Educational Psychology


Teaching Methods


Application of Teaching Methods


Business Methods


Additional Training




The course is divided into Postgraduate Training, Psychology and Methodology, and Student Teaching.

Hybrid Learning hours and assignments are graded and recorded daily. Theory chapter exams, final exams and final practical evaluations must completed in the school facility.


The following tests and grading procedures are used to assess student learning and mastery of course content in the 750-hour course:

  1. Academic theory exams: Students must receive a grade of 75% or higher on each assigned theory exam. Exams are completed at the conclusion of each online theory module. Depending on the  length of the distance education module, theory exams will occur weekly or bi-monthly. The theory exams will evaluate the student’s academic performance for each subject of the distance education curriculum.
  2. 375 hour skill evaluation exam: The 375 hour skill evaluation exam must be completed within the school facility and cannot be taken through distance education.
  3. 375 hour written exam: (There is not a required time frame for students to complete services. The information is for the student’s use.) The 375 hour written exam must be completed within the school facility and cannot be taken through distance education.
  4. Distance education assessments: Students must complete a distance education written assessment and practical skill assessment. These are based on performance and must be completed on-campus each month. The distance education assessment will focus on the distance education subjects covered during that time period. Students must receive a grade of 75% or  higher on each distance education written assessment and each practical skill assessment. Only  students enrolled in the distance education program are required to complete these assessments


The programs are provided through a sequential set of learning steps which address specific tasks necessary for State Board preparation, graduation and job entry level skills. Clinic equipment, implements and products are comparable to those used in the industry. Each student will receive instruction that relates to the performance of useful, creative and productive career oriented activities. The course is presented through well-developed lesson plans that reflect the latest educational methods. Subjects are presented by means of lecture, demonstration, distance education and student participation. Audio-visual aids, guest speakers, field trips, and other related learning methods are used in the course.

In order to enroll in the hybrid program of study, the Future Professional must have the following hardware, software, and network requirements:

  1. Apple iPad
  2. Download Bandwidth 5+ Mbps
  3. Milady MindTap
  4. Safari 13
  5. Zoom